A Sampling of our Outings

Hey! These can't all be five miles from your house!

No, they are not. Don't take the title that literally. Except for the undisclosed beach and the NYC trip, these were all day trips or local overnight trips.

We are not opposed to travelling to an undisclosed beach or NYC, we just can't do it much and want to make the best of what is nearby.
  • Undisclosed Beach August 2008 - It is undisclosed because of our selfish desire to keep the location a secret. What a find, but you'll have to find it yourselves - we're not talking.
  • Annapolis Maryland Overnight 2008 - An overnight trip lasting on 29 hours that felt like we had been gone a week.
  • Black Friar June 2008 - If you are anywhere near Staunton, VA when the Black Friar theatre is performing a Shakespeare play, stop what you're doing and go see it.
  • Deal Island 2007 - It started as a trip to review material for a graduate class. It ended up as a 4 hour drive to a remote corner of the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Oxford Maryland Day Trip 2006 - Oxford Maryland is one of our favorite towns. For those looking a lot of things to do, this is not it. For someone looking for a quaint, waterfront, historic, walking town. This is not to be missed. Since this write up, Robert Morris Inn has stopped serving food and is only an Inn. To bad, they had great crabcakes.
  • NYC/CT/RI/MA/NH/VT Trip 2004 - One of our rare road trips to NYC then along I-95 all the way to Boston, with a quick run up to Vermont.


All Material On This Website Copyright 2021 by Andrew Jones